These transactions must maintain integrity and transparancy of inventory and, subsequently, the inventory-related value. The purpose of this project is to enable the ability to manage transactions in an unlimited but defined number of alternative unit of measures, within and between organizations in the same client. To facilitate the understanding of the information, alternative units of measures are used depending on the context and/or role. Inventory is viewed in different ways depending the process, role or person that is viewing. Most manufacturing companies will have both type of 'product-conversions', but also pure distributors might see conversions for products that are purchased in bulk and sold to the final customer in smaller units. In the process manufacturing industry type, finished goods are created as result of a formula that consumes ingredients in any posible quantity and unit of measure. In the discrete manufacturing industries, finished goods are assembled according a bill-of-material and mainly full-units of components. This is a draft document, a preliminary set of thoughts to outline the functionality and facilitate the discussion. 1.5.2 Variable UoM and Referenced Inventory.1.4.4 Functional requirements based on business processes.1 My Project - Functional Specifications.